Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Theater; Medieval Studies

Project Advisor 1

Marisa Libbon

Project Advisor 2

Miriam Felton-Dansky

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this historically focused dramaturgy casebook for the medieval Catholic Chester Mystery Cycle's Play 14, Christ at the House of Simon the Leper, Christ and the Moneylenders, and Judas’ Plot, I offer suggestions for Play 14's production as it might have appeared in the cycle's final year of performance, 1575. I contextualize and grapple with the play's antisemitisms, and also offer a brief history of antisemitism in medieval Europe. I also analyze Play 14 and the Chester Mystery Cycle for their rhetorical appeals to the medieval vernacular language, contexts, and events, as well as their anachronistic temporal and geographic translation of the biblical imaginary into the medieval Cestrian world. I argue and display that these appeals promoted a heightened sense of religious contemplation, and prompted reflection on lived, not idealized devotion in an authentic world, and helped medieval Cestrians cope with, or accomodate for life in perplexing and tumultuous medieval times.

Open Access Agreement

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