Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Christophe Lindner

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this archaeological and architectural survey of 18th Century Palatine and Rhenish immigrant houses in New York's Hudson Valley, specifically in Columbia County, I track the development of three houses from their earliest vernacular forms to those touched by the Georgian influence. The Georgian worldview, stemming from European Enlightenment ideals, began permeating colonial American society in the 18th Century. It's influence first began to touch the wealthy and elite most connected with mother Europe, and then trickled into more common society. I chronicle and analyze Germantown, NY's Reformed Sanctity Church Parsonage, Germantown, NY's Simeon Rockefeller House, and Clermont, NY's "Stone Jug" for their adherence to and deviation from vernacular Rhenish architectural forms, as well as their journey to the Georgianized, or German-Georgian forms in which they sit today. I also begin to analyze the development of these houses for ethnohistorically supported potential implications on worldview, and the development of Palatine culture in Colonial New York.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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