Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Emily McLaughlin

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Nitrogen is an important element in many molecules and nitrenes have been a way to introduce nitrogen into molecules. Dubois’ research group shows through their work, the importance of carbamates in nitrene insertion reactions. The focus of this research project will be creating the precursor for the synthetic process of nitrene-mediated ylide intermediate formation. From this ylide intermediate, a nitrene insertion/[3+2] cycloaddition will form polycyclic compounds that can be used for a variety of synthetic applications. To create this precursor, the synthetic process requires 6 steps starting from 1,3-propanediol to finally the carbamate precursor. The significance of creating this precursor is to utilize nitrene transfer chemistry, a developing field of study, and to create new complex compounds for various potential uses.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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