"Varying Perceptions of Climate-Related Threats to Lake Ecosystems" by Emma Goad Donohue

Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Environmental and Urban Studies

Project Advisor 1

Robyn Smyth

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This study seeks to understand and document how an individual’s relationship with their lake as a researcher, manager, or stakeholder effects their perceptions of climate change and the threats it causes to lake ecosystem health. Through an analysis of surveys conducted by the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) and the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) observations are drawn about where concerns diverge on lake ecosystem health in regards to an individual’s organizational involvement with GLEON or NALMS, the role an individual has with their lake, and an individual’s expertise time with their lake. Stakeholders and managers perceived threats that affected human health, recreation, and the social needs of a community. Researchers were more divergent on what effects of climate change were concerning to their lake. These results provide valuable insight into where there are gaps in communication and understanding of the threat climate change poses to the health of lake ecosystems.

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