Date of Submission

Spring 2015

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Sanjaya DeSilva

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Tourism has been described by the World Tourism Organization as “one of the most dynamic economic activities of our time,” and the “worlds largest generator of wealth and jobs.” Further, the UNWTO claims that tourism can be a implemented as an export oriented development strategy. In the 1960’s the isolated and barren state of Quintana Roo, was marked by the Mexican Government as the location for implementing a tourism led economic development strategy. Today, Mexico is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world taking in 2.4% of the worlds tourism arrivals, the majority of which travel to Quintana Roo. Yet, much of Quintana Roo is still in poverty, leading to the examination of the relationship between economic growth and the distribution of welfare in the state. This paper contends that though economic growth is clearly seen through a few important macroeconomic indicators, the landscape of Quintana Roo is still very much engraved with inequalities.

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