"What Lives Here Now" by Sara S. Wallach

Date of Submission

Spring 2014

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

An-My Lê

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project began as a contemplation of death. The death of a loved one is inevitably a chaotic occurrence, leaving mess in its wake. But as a person or family that still lives, how do we reconcile this disorder? In search of a process for rebuilding, I found and focused on instances and places that are now left over, having succeeded their peaks of vitality. Out of their wreckage, something new arises. This can be a visual representation that reminds us of the original function of that moment or location. It can also be a revelation of the new-found form that these present. These forgotten vessels did not disappear in the process of breaking down, they remain throughout time in a state of entropy. These photographs are meant to explore what is the present form of a past life, and to answer the question or statement that the project's title poses.

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Creative Commons License

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