Marisa Vural, '01 (BardCorps)
Interviewee Role
Class Year
Academic Program
Other Program
Theater Major, Interdiscplinary Arts Major
Mark Perloff, '07
Vural speaks about her wide knowledge of languages; a focus in art that incorporated theater, video, movement, and media; following in the footsteps of her Bardian brother; video production in New York City; life as an actress; her vocation as a working and teaching artist in at-risk New York City schools; the advantages of creating her own major that allowed her to work in multimedia; activism, individuality and creativity on campus, her start in children's theater education at Bard; FYSem with President Botstein; opera at Bard and congas in the train station; balancing work and academics; moonlighting as a stand-up comedian and the first Intercollegiate Poetry Slam; vegan grilled cheeses in between Bardian life.
Poughkeepsie, Leon Botstein, First-Year Seminar, American Symphony Orchestra, Kline Commons, Albee, New York University, Sarah Lawrence College, Bob Holman, William Driver, Idahlia Stokas, HEOP, Ruland "Loni" Green
BardCorps trailer, main campus.
Interview Date
Interview Duration
Recommended Citation
Vural, Marisa, "Marisa Vural, '01 (BardCorps)" (2011). BardCorps -- All Oral Histories. 4.
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Significant Quote
"I'm like, this New York City girl who likes to sneak Newport cigarettes in the staircase, but I studied opera at Bard. Who would give me the opportunity to sing opera?"