Miranda Spencer, '81 (BardCorps)
Interviewee Role
Class Year
Other Program
Literature Major
Mark Perloff, '07
Please note that this recording was damaged and is incomplete. Miranda Spencer recalls applying to Bard for her interest in the arts; transferring from the University of New Hampshire; working with the group 'The Quasi-Sexual Vegetarians for Christ to Bring More Comedy to Bard; her participation in the popular Bond-esque skit "The Man from B&G" in which Spencer performed singing atop a piano; using available venues--the Coffee Shop at Kline, the Chapel, the lawn at Blithewood--as performance spaces; the realization that, for her, freedom at Bard meant 'no one to catch you'; creative encouragement from her film professor; learning to make mistakes; switching her senior project at the last minute.
Eugene Kalish, Buildings and Grounds, Andrew Jaffe '82, Nancy O'Keefe '81, Kline Commons, the Black Box Theater, Preston, Blithewood, Preston
BardCorps Trailer, Main Campus.
Interview Date
Interview Duration
Recommended Citation
Spencer, Miranda, "Miranda Spencer, '81 (BardCorps)" (2011). BardCorps -- All Oral Histories. 16.
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Significant Quote
"I realized that I was a weird and quirky person. When I was at UNH everyone thought I was a complete freakadoid. When I came to Bard everyone thought I was so straightlaced. They called me 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.'"