Kim Fisher, '01 (BardCorps)
Download Kim Fisher Transcript (1).pdf (64 KB)
Interviewee Role
Class Year
Other Program
Film Major
Mark Perloff, '07
Fisher talks about how her friends and mentor inspired her to go to Bard; her weekend visit to Bard as a prospective student; her brief encounter with wild dogs when Peter Hutton took her film class on a field trip; the time an Old Gym party got broken up because of a student murder; the changes around campus after ten years of being away; meditating at Bithewood. She recalls being exposed to a variety of cultures at Bard; being prepared her for the 'real' world; being the first in her family to graduate from college; the development of her Senior Project; interest in Bard's CCS program.
Peter Hutton, Peggy Ahwesh, Woods, Old Gym, Preston, Blithewood, California, Senior Project
BardCorps Trailer, Main Campus.
Interview Date
Interview Duration
Recommended Citation
Fisher, Kim, "Kim Fisher, '01 (BardCorps)" (2011). BardCorps -- All Oral Histories. 12.
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Significant Quote
"So I'm just, you know, recording some of the scenery and I turned around and the class was gone. But, what I saw was three wild dogs..."