Antibody Gene Formation
(Abstract taken from the 1990-91 DSLS Program.)
David Baltimore, a 1975 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. has recently been appointed the President of Rockefeller University. He was most recently the Director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Born in New York City, Dr. Baltimore received his bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore in 1960 and then returned to New York City to earn a Ph.D. al the Rockefeller Institute in 1964. In 1965, after research fellowships at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in l963-64 and the AIbert Einstein CoIIege of Medicine (1964 - I965), Dr. Baltimore moved to California to become a Research Associate at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, where he worked with Renąto Dulbecco, one of the foremost researchers in animal virology. In 1968 Dr. Baltimore returned to MIT, which had offered him an associate professorship. He was appointed Professor of Biology in 1972 and American Cancer Society Professor of Microbiology in 1973. In 1982 he assumed the directorship of the new Whitehead łnstitute for Biomedical Research, the position he is relinquishing to become President of Rockefeller University.
For his workDavid Baltimore has received numerous prizes and awards, including the Gustave Stern Award in Virology (1970), the Warren Triennial Prize (l97l), the Eli Lilly Award in Microbiology and Immunology (l971) the U S. Steel Award in Molecular BioIogy (1974), the Gairdner Foundation Annual Award (1974), and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1975). He has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (1974), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1974), the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1978I, the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences as a Fellow 11989), the Royal Society as a Foreign Member (1987), and the Institute of Medicine (1988).
His work: David Baltimore shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Renate Dulbecco and Howard Temin for his discovery of reverse transcriptase, the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of animal tumor viruses. This is the enzyme that ’violates the "central dogma" that" DNA makes RNA makes protein." Interesting in its own right, reverse transcriptase has become a key tool of biotechnology. Dr. Baltimore's more recent research interests have included the molecular genetic s of AIDS, cancer, and the immune response.
Molecular Biology
Creation Date
December 8, 1990
Recommended Citation
Baltimore, David, "Antibody Gene Formation" (1990). DSLS 1990-1991. 4.