Seeing the World Through Spin Glasses
(This information was taken from the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series Program 1982-1983).
Dr. Anderson, Nobel laureate, Joseph Henry Professor at Princeton University, and Director of Physics Principle Research at Bell Laboratories, was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended Harvard University where he received a B.S. degree in 1943, an M.A. degree in 1947, and a Ph.D. degree in 1949. In 1977, Dr. Anderson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Sir Nevill Mott of the University of Cambridge and John H. Van Vleck of Harvard University, for their fundamental theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems .
Dr. Anderson joined Bell Lab 'technical raff in 1949. He ha taught at Princeton since 1976.
Dr. Anderson was a Fulbright Lecturer at Tokyo University from 1953 to 1954. During the academic year 1961-62, he lectured at the Cavendish Laboratory, and was an Overseas Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge, England. He was Loeb Lecturer at Harvard in 1964, and was Professor of Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University from 1967 to 1975.
He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of the National Academy of Science, and a foreign member of the Royal Society. He was selected a Fellow of the American Academy of Art and Sciences in 1963. He received the Oliver E. Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society in 1964, the Dannie Heinemann Prize of the Academy of Sciences at Gottingen in 1975, the Guthrie Medal and Prize in 1978 , and the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement in 1978.
His Work: Dr. Anderson has worked in many area of theoretical physics , concentrating mainly on studies of condensed matter. Hi major contributions have been concerned with ferroelectricity, ferr0 - and antiferromagnetism, magnetic resonance, spectral line shape , superconductivity, and disordered and amorphous material . He ha al contributed to our theoretical understanding of neutron stars, as well as to concept in elementary particle physics .
His Lecture: December 4, 1982: Seeing the World Through Spin Glasses.
Creation Date
December 4, 1982
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Philip W., "Seeing the World Through Spin Glasses" (1982). DSLS 1982-1983. 1.