Date of Award


First Advisor

Daniel Neilson

Second Advisor

Asma Abbas

Third Advisor

John Myers


From the point of view artificial general intelligence research, the formal puzzles that result from investigations into any field are parametrized by the space, the time, the alphabet, and language used to represent the most general solutions to any of the pragmatic problems that might arise within the field. For Chomsky, languages can be expressed in terms of alphabets as well as the time and space automata which accept those sentences in those languages operate within. The relations between them are represented in treelike structures following the computational metaphor of finite automata. Guattari presents an alternative to Chomsky’s hierarchy with the rhizomatic sentence where any point of the structure can connect to any other. This can make language a chaotic variable that is difficult to account for across technical investigations into sociology as the foremost works of post-structuralists such as Guattari and Foucault, and the cohort that followed them such as Wark and Lazzarato, intend to find effective ways machinically analyze the socius while maintaining a distance from Turing and Chomsky’s formal conception of the machinic. Using Tenney’s example of parametric analysis in musical theory as point of departure, this paper show’s the beginnings of an investigation into computational rhizomatic linguistics in contrast to Chomskyan linguistics in the fields music, social economy, and briefly, machine learning.

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