Winter's Holiday: A Novel, Peter Nichols
The Longest Fall: Excerpts and Analyses, Thomas A. Norman
The Failures of Ishmael Wolffer, Roland Obedin-Schwartz
Eurydice without Orpheus, Nora E. Offen
The Sure Reality, Shaheen Qureshi
Some Memorable Parts of Worden, MT, Elizabeth Ann Riefler
An Asymptotic Giant Branch: 27 Found Excerpts, Rebecca G. Rom - Frank
The Converted: A Novel, Daniel Schwartz
The Figure's Claim, Alex Thomas Cavell Batkin
Apocrypha, Jenna Abrams
Awe of She, Maxwell Bank
And So Compliant to the Common Wind, Liza Birnbaum
The Search Party: An Episodic Novel, Paul Bozzo
The Girls in the Photograph, Rebecca Cohn
Zero to Kill, Ben Cornell
History of the White Mountains: 12 Improvisations, Elizabeth Crawford
Without and Within: A Novella, Elizabeth Goldfarb
So Falls the Apple, Amelia-Rose Harrar
Gothic Tales, Jack Kerns
EULA, Paul King
Meditating on America: High Frequency Living, David Landau
Songs for a Dead Boy, Amy Levenhagen
Tiger, Ashley Mayne
Guy, Evan Neuwirth
Sanson, Aviv Nisinzweig
River Lines, Cassie Pruyn
A Roughly Shuddered Noise, Molly Schaeffer
Things Past, Michael Schoch
Wrong Side of Demonbreun, Courtney Scott
2010, Annie Sinsabaugh
Sunrise Over Kashmir, Jaya Spier
The Exceedingly Interesting Narrative of the Life and Time of an Obscure Man, Samuel Steffen
The Loss Fields, Rebecca Chadwick
Points of Contact, Olivia Conti
Elytra, Alexander Degus
ATLAS A Poem, Claire DeVoogd
Challenger, Andrew Dieck
The Long Arm, Joseph Forsyth
The Writings of Owen Sanderson, Eileen Kern
Liver, Vincent Lechowick
Vers Katia, Ava Lehrer
Recipes from My Grandmother, Elizabeth Munro
Carbon County, Michael Newton
Submersion A Novel, Elias Primoff
The Kind of Girl I Was Annabel & Love My Nene Taught Me, Brenda Rowe
Sex Without Fear: Stories, Hannah Schneider
The Bone Brigade, Adam Schroeder
Thanatopoeia, Paul Shepard
The Kin Have Fangs, Lydia Slavutin
A Splendid Emergency and Other Stories, Emma Smith-Stevens
We are hungry; we are full. an analysis of nourishment through poetry and creative non-fiction, Sarah Stroe
The Guardians, Elizabeth Swoboda
Remember Me, Sweetie, Jesse Vanacore
Shrines, Lucas Verney-Fink
Philm, Dan Wilbur
Outer Space and Other Stories, Maggie York-Worth
Please Do Not Ride the Manatees and other stories, Joy Baglio
Fire Season, Ari Braverman
The Groundhog, Samuel Budin
Complications, Lina Canney
Where the Wind was Laid to Rest, Daniel Cline
Little Indians, Laura Dorsey
Signs of Misadventure, Stories of Decay, Emily Gilbert
Zoey & Zoey, Jonathan Hasak
The Engine Machine, Keely McDonald
No Exit: A Novel, James McGinniss
Why We Left The Ocean, Angela Sakrison
The Man of the House, Ruth Shannon
Limiting Obligation, John Sinaiko
The Spider Feeder, Caroline Stewart
Beestung, Claudia Cravens
A Necessary Illusion, Christina Kaminski
Mask, Leigh Rich