"(Em)body(ing) (E)motion: An Active Exploration of the Poetics of Embod" by Heather Meehan

Date of Award


First Advisor

Karen Beaumont

Second Advisor

Wendy Shifrin

Third Advisor

Chris Coggins


This thesis was conceived through a desire to expand my awareness of my somatic experience, and to move from this awareness in creating dance performances and written work. As part of this investigation, I choreographed and performed two pieces over the course of my Senior year: Exposure, a collaborative duet, took place in the fall semester, and Confinement, which incorporated both found text and visual art, in the Spring. I also led two workshops which emerged from the themes of my thesis: the first, “Locating Diversity in the Body,” took place on Diversity Day of 2013. The second, “I Sing the Body Electric” was one of the events for the Berkshire Festival of Women Writers in March 2014. The written aspect of this thesis developed concomitantly with my somatic exploration. The first section is a collection of poems and personal essays that both express and examine my active exploration. My intent was to deepen my embodied experience by locating language with which to express it. The second section shares the curiosities of the first, but is focused on the process of creating performance. The third describes the process of sharing this inquiry in the role of a workshop facilitator. Together, they compose a “body” of work that attempts to speak to my experience as an artist and intellectual.

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