"Nevergreen: The nature image commodity in green advertising" by Eva Thornton


Eva Thornton

Date of Award


First Advisor

Lawrence Burke

Second Advisor

Wendy Shifrin


Image management is a process that the visual artist employs in order to create something that is separate from the everyday reality of human experience; it is subjective and amplified in its emotion and character and asks for the viewer!s consideration. Design practice in the green age results from environmental consciousness on the individual and corporate scale, and everywhere in between. Such a consciousness has pervaded our everyday visual experience through art and advertising. Just as we are not so critical of the message behind a piece of visual art, but rather the method of communicating that message (the composition of the image), we may look at advertising images in the same way. Through analyzing our collective experience of increased environmental awareness, subsequent consumption of green advertising, and specifically the history of design influences on contemporary art and advertising, I examine the role that sentimentality towards nature plays in driving the consumption of green art and green advertising in the green age.

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