"Ni De Aquí, Ni De Allá: An Exploration of the Modern American Dream th" by Elizabeth Estrada

Date of Award


First Advisor

Ben Krupka

Second Advisor

David Franco

Third Advisor

Francisca Oyogoa


This thesis was born from my curiosity around the term hybrid identity and its intersections between the American Dream, community, and my mother’s example. In this thesis I use the creation of a mural to reflect on how the American Dream is received today by the Latinx immigrant community and to connect with them. I introduce the American Dream through the example of my mama and after defining key terms go into a discussion of the origins of Hybrid Identity theory. In this discussion I demonstrate that Chicano Identity, movements, and indigenous orgullo influenced postmodern chicano scholars like Gloria Anzaldua to introduce Hybrid Identity to Chicano Studies. I then tie all these ideas together in a discussion around the design and development of the mural. I accomplish this through community involvement based on a Q and A system surrounding the American dream, and share some of the outstanding experiences from those events. Lastly, I end the thesis with a self reflection on the process, the execution, and share images of the final show.

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