Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Andrew Bush

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project explores the political emotions of Chinese international students in the US, with mainly participatory action research, visual methods, and interviews. Chapter one unfolds the politics of drawing as a method of fieldwork. Drawing as a process instead of a product evokes memories and connections/contrast among memories that are otherwise inaccessible; it diffuses the constructed power dynamic between the researcher and the interlocutor and creates special social roles and relationships that help both to get a better understanding of each other; and drawing in the context of social activism is a safer way to do the documentation. Chapter two centers on loneliness as political emotion which is also an attempt of political participation in a safer and more disguised way. Chapter three explores the blurred line in activism and between activism and research. I discussed how the idea of activism and the way it appears in everyday lives are in fact in motion rather than fixed, and the experiences of being a researcher and activist at the same time.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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