Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Tara Lorenzen

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The artistry I’ve been drawn to during my time here at Bard has usually sought to grasp ways of understanding and expressing the intangible rollercoasters experienced in life. I pose questions such as, “when do we feel most alive?” and “how do we know when we have fallen into a mental pit.” Alongside these questions, I play with the portrayal of our relationship with ourselves, others, and nature through movement. My personal relationships with mental illness and spirituality drive me to understand them more and what their intersection might mean for me and others. Throughout this process, there is an inevitable acknowledgment of systems of oppression that have influenced our understanding of these expansive topics.

Coming from a background of dance that did not prioritize a connection with our bodies and collaboration, understanding a new way of experiencing the dance world takes time. Recently, I’ve felt more adequately prepared and motivated to bring these missing pieces into the movement and creative processes. Bringing in ways of talking about accessibility needs, working with Expressive Arts activities, playing with different improv prompts, and my education in psychology has helped in culminating a community that feels supportive especially when exploring such questions.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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