Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program

Psychology; Division of Science, Mathematics, and Computing

Project Advisor 1

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

Project Advisor 2

Justin Hulbert

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder in which an individual shows a marked deficit in ability in social communication and interaction, as well as behaviors, interests, or rituals which can be considered restrained or repetitive (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Due to these symptoms, autistic individuals have a higher likelihood to struggle in an academic setting. This study investigates the connection between high levels of autistic traits, academic anxiety, and the self-perception of struggle in a college setting. I hypothesized that in populations of current undergraduate students ages 18-22 located within the continental United States, the number of autistic traits that a participant presents using the AQ-10 as a continuous measure will have a positive correlation with the amount of academic anxiety they experience as measured by the AAS, which will also be used as a continuous measure. Participants answered the Brief Autism Spectrum Quotient (the AQ-10) and the Academic Anxiety Scale (AAS) to gather data on their autistic traits and academic anxiety levels. A correlation using scores from the AQ-10 and the AAS showed a positive correlation between these variables.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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