Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Project Advisor 2

Tom Hutcheon

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The goal of the project is to outline the benefits of different types of cognitive training with physical or in-person training compared to a virtual training implementation specifically in the context of baseball pitch recognition. By doing this we are able to identify which aspects of pitch recognition are better trained by different types of training and allow athletes to train differently and more effectively. The participants were 21 undergraduate students at Bard College who have not played at a competitive level of baseball. Participants were assigned to two conditions either in-person cognitive training or similar but virtual training. Participants were tested on both their pitch type accuracy and strike accuracy in order to compare possible differences between the training implements. participants' ability to identify the correct aspects of pitch type and strike accuracy within three seconds of viewing the pitch was assessed both in person and virtually. The hypothesis is that the virtual training group will outperform the in-person group in pitch type accuracy but the in-person group will outperform the virtual group in strike accuracy. The results showed that there was no significant difference in performance for strike zone accuracy between the virtual and in-person groups but there was a marginally significant difference between the virtual and in-person training groups for pitch type accuracy.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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