Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Project Advisor 2

Kristin Lane

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Previous research has shown that psychology can have significant effects on endurance performance. According to exercise physiologist Samuele Marcora all performance gains in endurance racing are due to a reduction of perceived effort at a given pace (Sherman, 2021). The proposed study will compare athletes focusing on reducing perceived effort at a given pace over a four month training period with athletes focused on improving physical fitness over the same period. The fitness group will complete workouts designed to maximize physiological indicators while the perceived effort groups will complete workouts designed to reduce perceived effort while running at a given pace. Participants will partake in a five-kilometer race before and after the four month training period. Expected results will include a greater increase in performance over the second race for the perceived effort group as well as less injuries in the perceived effort group.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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