Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Garry Hagberg

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This is a project founded on uncertainty. How can we ever judge anyone else when we can never know them as we do ourselves? How can we say that someone does wrong when they believe themselves to be doing right? Since at least the nineteenth century ethics, and philosophy as a whole, carved a new path without the aid of stabilizing pillars of objective, eternal truths. The following work demonstrates how a sense of vertigo descends on one who is forced to question the existence of those objective truths and how that fearful confusion can lead to dangerous refuges, yet also how this uncertainty may be surmounted by a reorientation, not abandonment, of truth. In brief, we can only judge one another when we acknowledge that we can only judge imperfectly and by a standard invented for a certain utility.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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