Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Brooke Jude

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Natural dyes are rapidly gaining popularity due to the adverse effects of synthetic dyes on human health and the environment. Among the various options available, violacein, a pigment produced by certain bacteria, has emerged as a highly promising alternative. In this study, violacein produced by Jactinobacterium sp. BJB312 bacterial strain has been seen as a potential alternative dyeing agent for textile fabrics. In addition to its dyeing properties, it has been found to possess vigorous antibacterial activity against various Gram-positive bacteria. To test the antibacterial activity of violacein-dyed fabric produced from LB culturing, three strains of Gram-positive bacteria were chosen as model organisms: B. subtilis, S. epidermidis, and S. saprophyticus. The results showed that the violacein-dyed fabrics ranged in shades of purple depending on the material and possessed excellent color fastness. It was also found that the antibacterial properties of the pigment varied depending on the dyed fabric type against the Gram-positive bacteria. This study offers a promising alternative approach to dyeing fabrics and can help prevent the spread of bacteria in hospitals and other public spaces.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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