"Cultivating Community: Collective Identity as Built Through Urban Gard" by Paxton E. Angell

Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins

Abstract/Artist's Statement

What do community gardens do to urban landscapes? Why are they important? What do they produce? This project examines how urban gardens in New York city become spaces that trouble the urban landscape by reordering relationships of care and attention. Urban community gardening has risen in popularity across New York (and the world) over the past 50 years. The reasons for this are not without social, political, and cultural influence. The gardens themselves are products of semiotic worlds in which nature is positioned within a narrative of tranquil wilderness. This project frames gardens as spaces within which social meaning is unmade, remade, negotiated, and complicated. In the pages of this project, I take a walk with my reader through the community gardens of New York City to explore ways of thinking in and with the urban environment.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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