Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

Abstract/Artist's Statement


This study examines the relationship between the scores on the AMISOS-R (Amsterdam Misophonia Scale-Revised), a scale for misophonia activation and severity, and emotional dysregulation scores on the DERS (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale), as experienced by young adults aged 18-23. The AMISOS-R is the most recent version of a clinical diagnostic criteria for misophonia. The DERS is a widely used measure for self reported emotional regulation, scored on 6 subcategories of emotional dysregulation allowing researchers an understanding of the experience as a whole. Participants in this study took a short survey that combined the AMISOS-R and the DERS, and all usable data was statistically analyzed and recorded using Qualtrics and Jamovi. High severity scores on the AMISOS-R positively correlated with both the overall emotional dysregulation score on the DERS, and nearly all DERS subcategories correlated with AMISOS-R severity levels with significant results.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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