Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Elena Kim

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This paper analyzes the nature of sexism, sexual harassment, and women’s resistance and coping strategies. Sexual harassment takes on many different forms, and the specific types of harassment impact how a women will respond to the perpetrator. Harassment consists of verbal and nonverbal interactions, microaggressions, and other forms of sexual objectification. Previous research has concluded that women’s imagined reactions to harassment vary from their real responses. In actual situations of sexual harassment, women feel fear more than anger. Psychological distress was a repeatedly reported repercussion of sexual harassment. The current study focuses on specific sentiments of insults, such as age, appearance, intelligence, sexual experience, and mental stability. I expect that specific sentiments will elicit one of the four reactions: behavioral engagement, behavioral disengagement, cognitive engagement, or cognitive disengagement. I hope that this research will contribute to reducing sexism through better understanding of women’s subjective experiences of resistance to misogyny.

Open Access Agreement

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