Date of Submission

Summer 2022

Academic Program

Political Studies

Project Advisor 1

Sanjib Baruah

Abstract/Artist's Statement

My project is organized around the 2013 Gezi Park protests, and the political, cybernetic, and cyberspatial developments that followed them. My argument is that through cybernetic, political, and legal means, President Erdogan of Turkey has failed to present alternatives to the Turkish people which would positively answer their expressed desires for change. My research method is one of comparison and analysis, as well as referring to virtual images by which I hope to provide a visual representation of models used to explain cybernetic expressions of power organization, communication, and expression. My project will hope to explain how internet users in Turkey found themselves in their position, use political and cybernetic means to analyze that position and the subsequent development of Turkish internet legislation, which I will demonstrate serves only to repress digital protest from then on.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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