Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Tara Lorenzen

Abstract/Artist's Statement

My work is an expression of worldly functions, conditions, and existence. From the first time a baby laughs to the roots of political systems, I want to challenge the division one sees in the world in hopes that they realize it is connected in more ways than one. I wish to dive into the familiar—providing images, whether shocking or daunting, to uncover answers of the unfamiliar. My dance is personal. It is the scrapbook of my improvisatory explorations, training in various forms, and life experiences, whether joyful or traumatic. The construction of my work aims to establish performormative freedom and choice while keeping the integrity of the piece’s narrative and style. This challenges the performer to live through an experience as opposed to simply existing on stage. As a choreographer, I wish to evoke emotion in the performers (dancers and musicians alike) more so than the audience. It is they who experience the longest stretch of the dance. They are the witnesses to every draft until it is finalized. This mode of collaboration is what I seek to achieve in my work. It shows that dance is a form of many moving parts. This is similar to human existence, an existence that is not exclusive to movement. For this reason, I wish to demonstrate that dance is a manuscript of the political—one whose goal is to navigate a system that allows human bodies to exist in a space. Furthermore, a goal that seeks to transform this existence into one that allows for equality and justice for all.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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