Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Environmental and Urban Studies

Project Advisor 1

Kwame Holmes

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Kingston, a small city in upstate New York, is currently experiencing a housing crisis in the midst of a massive real estate market boom, and an update to their zoning law is long overdue. In 2018, the city began the process, hiring New Urbanist planning firm Dover Kohl & Partners to develop a brand new form based zoning code. As a critique of the New Urbanist planning and architecture movement, with Kingston's rezoning process as a case study, this project outlines the history of the development of neotraditional planning and form based code and the implications that the code type may have on gentrification, the structure of urban spaces, and the regulation of human behavior.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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