"Copywrong: Intellectual Property as a Weapon Against Black Musicians " by Maty Thiam

Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Lauraleen Ford

Project Advisor 2

Kwame Holmes

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Western traditions, specifically in America, have adopted ownership and turned it into a major life practice.Intellectual property brings in new possibilities and challenges for how we imagine ownership. It allows us to claim ownership over more than just tangible items. For someone entering the music world as a creative musician, the challenge is to retain control over their own work, both so that they can ensure an adequate financial return and so that they can exercise agency over their creation. Yet, IP has been used against Black artists because of the white supremacist institutions that designed our legal system. I argue that through education and community building we can empower Black up and coming artists and help them not fall for predatory contracts imposed by major music conglomerates.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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