Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Psychology; Psychology

Project Advisor 1

Thomas Hutcheon

Abstract/Artist's Statement


Color Psychology is defined as “the study of how various hues, or colors, affect people and their behavior”. (Ungvarsky, J. 2021) Colors extend past everyday life, when used properly, can greatly influence our behavior. Evidence supports that color is associated with emotions and emotion-laden words. This study tests whether colors would activate food related or optimistic thoughts. In this study, utilizing the Lexical Decision Task, participants were asked if words were in fact words or nonwords, after being primed with one of three colors: red, yellow or gray. It was hypothesized that when primed with red, participants would identify a food-related word as a word faster than in other colors. And that when primed with yellow, participants would identify an optimism-related word as a word faster than in other colors. My findings did not support this hypothesis, but did provide further evidence in the role of varying color and how that can influence behavior, response time. Additionally, the automatedness of these color word-associations are discussed and what can be done to understand these relationships.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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