Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Christopher LaFratta

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Microfabrication using direct laser writing (DLW) is a very powerful microscale 3D printing technique that offers more complexity than the traditional means like µ-stereolithography. DLW using a continuous wave (CW) laser is not well explored or understood. In this work, the photophysics of DLW is explored using a 532 nm CW laser. The experimental methods include, 2-beam action initiation threshold method (2-BIT), fluorescence spectroscopy, absorbance spectroscopy and WebMO simulations. One crucial finding is the importance of polarization when performing the 2-BIT experiment, which deems some experimental results from the experiment to be unreliable. The 2-BIT results suggest a non linear order of absorption when microfabrication is done with a 532 CW laser, to be certain this experiment needs to be repeated with superior experimental design. The photophysical data suggest that the excited state of PI upon absorption possibly occurs via a singlet to triplet energy transition.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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