Date of Submission

Spring 2021

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Éric Trudel

Abstract/Artist's Statement

If there were no fear to lose ever, one would never know what they truly care about. In the first chapter, “Proust: Pause, Remembrance,” the gap/pause exists precisely because life at the moment isn’t complete, characterizing a sense of insufficiency. For the breach to close, something else later needs to fill in. As long as the moments are to be remembered — it shows one cares about them, always. And because of the pause — it guarantees the review. A pause signifies that one is waiting, expecting, and hoping. For Proust, the act to write is one to look back and always find back memories and moments depending on an eagerness to ease the fear that one would lose them one day.

A writer is curious when s/he desires. And this is when s/he can find the footnotes in life, turned on by a ripened, higher consciousness, spirit, and emotion.” In the second chapter, “Nabokov: Love, Desire,” writing represents the desire to know through questioning and inviting. It proves the meaning of life itself is to care about what can be lost and dedicate oneself much more to every detail of life. The care to live a life with complete curiosity, to the details, to the passion and inquiry into both the human and non-human forms, inspirit Nabokov’s art and life. Unknowing drives creativity and inspires endeavors to explore since writing presenting and constructing a fantastic “reality.”

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