Date of Submission

Spring 2021

Academic Program

Psychology; Psychology

Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Anxiety is on the rise, and due to limitations on social interactions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been forced to meet online rather than in-person. One aspect of these online interactions is waiting. Many studies have been conducted examining waiting in-person and found that the average wait time in an experiment is around twenty minutes, but no studies have attempted to replicate those studies in an online setting. Does waiting online cause a significant amount of anxiety, and if so, how may we be able to change that? I will test if people are more anxious waiting in groups than by themselves in an online Zoom call. To do this, participants will be instructed to wait for me for an online meeting. After thirty minutes or until they attempt to leave, I will ask them to self-report the anxiety that they felt during the experiment. I hypothesize that those in groups will experience more anxiety due to the social pressures that are telling the participants to wait patiently for the experimenter.

Open Access Agreement

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