Date of Submission

Spring 2021

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Michael Martell

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Using historical and empirical evidence, this Senior Project looks at the long-term impacts of colonization on economic, social, and cultural institutions. This project explores impacts both immediately upon Spanish arrival in 1532, and created during the Spanish colonization of Peru. Systems of forced labor created through colonization created two separate paths of development: one for the Spanish and Spanish-selected Peruvian elite and another for the Indigenous people of Peru. Vestiges of the Spanish colonization of Peru continue to manifest themselves in modern times in many ways. This Senior Project examines the link between Indigenous individuals and their participation in the informal economy. The data used is from “Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Niveles de Vida 1991” ((INE), 1991), a household survey conducted under the Living Standards Measurement Initiative of the World Bank. Through using logit and linear probability models, this project finds that Indigenous individuals have a higher probability of participation in the informal economy than their non-Indigenous counterparts. Finally, this project will propose possible state policy to address the disparities which continue to exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals in Peru.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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