Date of Submission
Spring 2021
Academic Program
Economics; Gender and Sexuality Studies
Project Advisor 1
Liudmila Malyshava
Abstract/Artist's Statement
In the late twentieth century, Central and Eastern European countries went through a transformation from a command economy to a market economy. Under the command economy there was virtually no unemployment, and most citizens were employed by the government. Women experienced high labor force participation and received generous family benefits. During the transition from a planned to a market economy, labor force participation rates for women dropped significantly and the benefits families received were no longer universally assured. The dismantling of social family benefits in a post-socialist economy resulted in a low female labor force participation rate, hindering a full potential for economic growth and reducing living standards. The transition experiences of Hungary and Poland are presented as case studies to demonstrate that “market establishment” is not a sufficient condition for a successful transition for an average citizen.
Open Access Agreement
Open Access
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Levine, Emily Rose, "Working Women: The Transition’s Impact on Female Labor Force Participation in Former Communist Countries" (2021). Senior Projects Spring 2021. 177.
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