Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Yuval Elmelech

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Drawing on previous studies, this paper explores a particular population—sandwich generation women—and the struggles and demands that they face between work, children, and elderly parents. I conducted in-depth interviews of 16 women from this demographic group, and analyzed their experience using theories of the second shift, emotional labor and the sandwich generation. The women that I interviewed were both members of the sandwich generation, meaning that they took care of both their children and elderly parents, as well as “care workers” themselves in the work force. New to past research, I seek to understand whether women of this demographic group experience a “third shift” of work, taking care of their elderly parents alongside other demands, using the evidence provided by my participants. Importantly, I attempt to understand how sandwich generation mothers manage demands in multiple spheres. My findings confirm previous studies and explore new evidence surrounding the possibility of a “third shift” for sandwich generation mothers.

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