"Chase-Escape on Sparse Networks" by Emma Sylvie Bernstein

Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Matthew Junge

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Chase-escape is a competitive growth process in which prey spread through an environment while being chased and consumed by predators. The environment is typically modeled by a graph—such as a lattice, tree, or clique—and the species by particles competing to occupy sites. It is arguably more natural to study these dynamics in heterogeneous environments. To this end, we consider chase-escape on a canonical sparse random graph called the Erdo ̋s-R ́enyi graph. We show that if prey spreads too slowly then both species quickly die out. On the other hand, if prey spreads fast enough, then coexistence occurs. Concrete bounds are given for the location of the threshold. Simulation evidence is provided.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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