Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Marisa Libbon

Abstract/Artist's Statement

As the Father of English Literature and a significant figure who brought the tradition of romance into the Middle English vernacular, Chaucer developed a remarkable refinement and precision of use of his language in fully taking the tradition of romance from the French courtly literature into his own way of demonstration as well as adapting and transforming the innovative form of historical romance, or romanticized epic, from the Italians into his originality. This project analyses Chaucer's Anelida and Arcita, Troilus and Criseyde, and the "Knight's Tale" as his critique of romance and its ideals. is concerned with how Chaucer’s language works in order to transmit to a new generation of readers the literary competence of romance.

In Anelida and Arcita, Troilus and Criseyde, and the “Knight’s Tale,” of which Chaucer shows his unique insights of romance while adapting the materials from the works of Boccaccio, Chaucer reconsider and criticize the literary ideals by offering an unique approach to the characters, showing the more realistic side of the plot as opposed to the state of “perfection” where the performance of romance’s convention usually lies on. By twisting the reader’s expectation between classic authority and romantic belief. Those three tales of Chaucer’s romance are all, in some way, centrally concerned with the connections between “the law of form” and “the law of natures.” Each of the three poems traces an itinerary that runs at least to a vision of the human natures of men and women but begins with a consideration of kinds of poems — epic and romance, which ensures a fantasy yet automatically imposed the convention and code of conduct to each character as its subjectivity instead of individual self. Chaucer realizes the fact and disenchantes the so-called literary ideals through his narrative structure.

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