Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Chemistry; Physics

Project Advisor 1

Paul Cadden-Zimansky

Project Advisor 2

Christopher LaFratta

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Bacterial biofilm formation is a major public health issue, especially in healthcare settings and the food industry. When bacteria attach to surfaces (say, a catheter or water treatment pipe), they secrete numerous virulence factors and other adhesion proteins that encourage free-floating bacteria to agglomerate and form a film. Once a film has formed, antibiotics become much less effective and the potential for pathogenicity grows. Over the course of this project, I sought to understand how that bacterial attachment can be externally modulated through the electrochemical tuning of conductive polymeric surfaces. In this thesis, I will do three things: 1) review some of the foundational knowledge that biologists, chemists, and physicists have accumulated about bacterial attachment, biofilm formation, and ways to fight it, 2) discuss experimental progress on electrochemically controlled biofilm attachment, 3) suggest further experimental avenues that may shed light on some of the questions raised in the review.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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