Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Studio Arts

Project Advisor 1

Jeffrey Gibson

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The goal of this project is to give the viewer the immersive experience of touring the portrait hall in the castle of the Froschkönig (Frog King). While the moniker of the Froschkönig is passed down through the royal family, the installation centers around Kaiser Frogerick Wilhelm III. The first room contains the portraits, displayed chronologically, of a selection of members of the royal family that most influenced Kaiser Frogerick. This includes his first wife, Louise von Mecklenpond, his second wife, Aguppy von Harach, his father Frogerick Wilhelm II, his mother, Frogerica Louise von Fresse-Swarmstadt, his grandfather, Augustoad Wilhelm, and his great-grandmother, Sophia Dorothea von Hopover. The second room is a reproduction of the Kaiser’s court at the time of his reign (1797-1840). In this room a life-size reproduction of Frogerick Wilhelm III (ala Madame Tussaud) sits upon a throne in an elaborately decorated and gaudy room, in position to receive his subjects as they pay their fealty.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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