Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Film and Electronic Arts; Literature

Project Advisor 1

Richard Suchenski

Project Advisor 2

Karen Sullivan

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Although Soviet-era Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovksy may be known primarily for the tactile quality of his filmmaking, the thematic grandeur of his storytelling, and his abstract, poetic understanding of time, it is also worth noting the overt intertextuality of his cinematic portfolio. My senior project examines the ways in which Tarkovsky layers different reference points toward three biblical narratives: beginning with the Crucifixion, moving to the Binding of Isaac, and ending with the Return of the Prodigal Son. Tarkovsky applies biblical allusion, as well as the reconstruction of biblical narratives in a modern setting, in order to examine the structure of these classic stories, and ultimately reconsider our understanding of Christian Apocalypse.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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