"The Bismarckian System and His Balance of Power" by Siyuan Min

Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Political Studies

Project Advisor 1

Walter Russell Mead

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project aims to investigate the Balance of Power Bismarck reinstated in Europe following the 1871 Franco-Prussian War, how Bismarck as the architect of German strategies until 1890 fulfilled his statesmanship, and why his system collapsed after his retirement, leading Europe into a spiral of war. This project constructs its research and examination by combining historical evidence and analyses with International Relations theories, as well as a review of various literature based on Bismarck and his era. This project regards fear as a twofold catalyst of war, that for geopolitical survival and for legitimate governance. The Bismarckian system fails to fundamentally address such grievances brought by the rise of Germany and its hegemonic influence on European affairs.

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