Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Classical Studies

Project Advisor 1

Lauren Curtis

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Ariadne's story is dominated by her relationships with men: Minos, Theseus, and Bacchus. But who is she? Can her personality be examined independently from men? If yes, does she have her own voice in expressing herself? Do we hear her voice? If no, then, how does her personality help construct her story? My analysis will focus on how the Roman poets Catullus and Ovid, the Baroque composer Monteverdi, and the twentieth-century composer Strauss present Ariadne, and how their Ariadnes’ voices are heard. Perhaps she will always be eternal and undying as long as she remains a figure around which discussions of femininity continue. What remains of Ariadne is what we choose to make of her.

Open Access Agreement

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