Natural & Unnatural Histories

Date of Submission

Spring 2019

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Studio Arts

Project Advisor 1

kenji fujita

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Life can be seen.

Life can be seen

in small wax pearls of excrement and saliva,

in the hair of the human shed,

in the waterless death of a butterfly resting with wings and legs neatly folded in.

the essence The soul The Pith

Life can be seen

Thick, complex

soil is mistaken for the ground

buried and unearthed

there is a power in the ground,

in the nutrients,

In water-the only fluid

in the insects which lick and tear apart

the form and render it back to dirt.

There is an unknowable force.

Life can be seen

in the roots, in the bark.

in the thick, densely layered rings.

Life can be seen

In the stretching of Tendrils

upward and outward and

whichever other way

the sun feeds best

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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