"Primo Levi and Frantz Fanon: The Seizure of Human Dignity, Reprisal, a" by Jake Cicero

Date of Submission

Spring 2019

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Global and International Studies

Project Advisor 1

Franco Baldasso

Project Advisor 2

James Ketterer

Abstract/Artist's Statement

History has proven that memory, both collective and individual, can act as a trigger for revolution – the question at stake is the extent to which violence is appropriate, or furthermore beneficial, to the revolutionaries. There are limits to rational, ideological, and theological approaches to humanity amidst defining 20th century experiences for humanity. The path to modernity is a contested one. Primo Levi and Frantz Fanon give voice to the internalized debates of the oppressed and uncover historical truths to shed light on the reality of revolution in the 20th century. Fanon, the anti-colonial revolutionary and Levi, the survivor of Auschwitz, together offer insight into the harsh reality of the foreigner, of the timelessly abused, the victims of our glorious history.

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