Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Film and Electronic Arts

Project Advisor 1

Richard Suchenski

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In the same way Paisà captured the Italian war experience by exploring a variety of vantage points, this essay analyses how the Second World War transformed film form by investigating the way three prominent directors changed how they made films. Directors Fred Zinnemann, Roberto Rossellini and Akira Kurosawa were confronted by the war in different ways. The most blatant distinction between them is the nation they film from, but even this holds multiplicity in its resonance. Not only did America, Italy and Japan have different relationships to the war, but they also had distinct approaches to cinema before the war. In the post-war narrative they represent the ‘liberators,’ ‘the liberated’ and ‘the conquered,’ but grapple directly and indirectly with the fallacies of these titles, as well as their consequences.

Open Access Agreement

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