The Muslim Question: France’s Reconstruction of the Clash of Civilizations Story

Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Global and International Studies

Project Advisor 1

Kevin Duong

Abstract/Artist's Statement

rench Republicanism used Muslim immigrant groups in order to re create a “clash of civilizations” novel in France as a way to preserve Republican Values. In order to argue this, I will explain how Republicanism functions, how it was challenged, and how it was mutated against Islamic Post Colonial immigrants in order to justify its worth when France was faced with a change in demographics and modernization. This paper will aim to answer why non secular Muslims in France seem non- integratable and will pull on France’s Republican past, immigration model, and history with Islam in order to answer this question. I will argue that Republicanism created the “Muslim Question”as a construct and theater to re legitimize a need for Universalism in France.

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