Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Art History; Gender and Sexuality Studies

Project Advisor 1

Susan Merriam

Project Advisor 2

Laurie Dahlberg

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This Senior Project questions the usefulness of identity, specifically queer identity, as an organizing principle for an art exhibition. I explore this topic in relation to the curatorial method for the exhibition at the New Museum in New York in 1982, entitled Extended Sensibilities: Homosexual Presence in Contemporary Art. I argue that identity was a useful category for Extended Sensibilities by analyzing the art as Camp. By doing so, I hope to prove that the curator, Dan Cameron, chose a collection of art that opposed an essentialist perspective of queer identity. Furthermore, I compare Extended Sensibilities to a more contemporary queer art show at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C. in 2010, entitled Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in Contemporary Art. With this comparison, I track the shifting perspectives on gender and sexuality and analyze how thinking on curation has changed in response to a greater focus on intersectionalism in the twenty-first century.

Open Access Agreement

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