Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Aniruddha Mitra

Project Advisor 2

Michael Martell

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This thesis takes an in depth look at one of the characteristics of the labor market that is frequently used but is not often discussed, social networks. The paper explains the way social networks are defined and built on an individual level, and how those networks are specifically utilized by agents of the market. This leads to the investigation into the exclusion of minorities in the market. This paper discusses the reasons that minorities are excluded from either the labor market or from better labor market opportunities, mainly because of cultural differences among groups. The final analysis of this paper is to look at the positive qualities of minorities that keeps them afloat and present policy recommendations to prevent minority labor market exclusion. The purpose of this is to ultimately help minorities in under-served communities obtain key information on insights that can help them gain advantage in the labor market. The most important function of this paper is to show that labor market entrance and mobility are attainable for minorities.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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